12 Apr 2017

Successful Leader

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There are certain questions like
Who are leaders? What are the requirements to become a leader? Are the leadership qualities inherent? How a leader does differ from a normal man? What are the actual leadership qualities?

The answers to these questions in a layman language can be given as a leader is one who can lead others, who can control the behavior of others and who can manage others to perform in the desired way. Leadership is not limited to position, experience, training, title or authority. After studying the biography of hundreds of historical and contemporary leaders it can be concluded that up to some extent leadership qualities are inherent but good leaders are created or made and they are not born because these inherent qualities need to be polished and mold through experiences and are made feel within an individual by giving him some authority. But this also does not mean that if a person does not possess those inherent qualities he can not become a leader. The fact is that a person can become leader if he has strong will to become a successful leader and on his way he constantly develops himself through a process of self analysis, training and then experience.

Now how does a person can become a successful and an effective leader?
It is a simple five step process. This simple five step process can make you a successful leader. These are as:

  1. A magnificent vision: A leader can not exist without a vision. The vision is always in the mind of a leader. The vision only can take a leader to perform great action. He should have a clear view of his aim of life that he wanted to achieve in his life.

  1. Leader should know his strengths and weaknesses: A wise and right leader is one who has a clear knowledge of his strengths and weaknesses. Without self analysis he will not be able to take right actions in the situations. Like for a leader it is required that he take advantage of his strengths and give a proper defeat to his opponents and he should also avoid the areas of his weaknesses and prefers to hire others for those kinds of jobs.

  1. High targets: A good leader is one who has high targets and makes consistent efforts to achieve those targets. With body he gets tired but by mind he is never tired and his mind is always striving to achieve better. Growth is his very first objective.

  1. Right choice for selection of right man for right work: A good man is one who has capabilities enough to select the right person for the right job. He should be able to differentiate between the groups of candidates for allotment of work. A leader can only get required support from his group of members only when he has made right decision to select his group members.

  1. Commitment Bounded: A good leader is one who is commitment bounded. He always fulfills his promises. He never let his goodwill go down and always work to strive for perfection and to achieve goals for the satisfaction of others and also takes care for the rights and interests of his group members.


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