14 Apr 2017

The Big Vision In The Equation

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Remember Schwartz and his book Why We Work? He shared an example of a carpettile manufacturer who was very successful and had made a lot of money.
Then one day this guy, who was in his 60s, had an epiphany that his production process — though quite profitable — was also poisoning the Earth. How they manufactured the carpet tiles was a very highly polluting process.
So he made a commitment to switch his production to a zero environmental footprint. He knew it was going to cost his company money because it involved revamping the whole process, but he didn’t care. But you know what happened? Instead of these changes costing the company money,
profits went up. How could that be? How could something that costs more end up
creating larger profits?

Part of it could be that eco-minded customers were impressed by the company’s stance and chose its product because of it. But the largest part was that the workforce, instead of being one that was just making carpet, became a workforce that was saving the Earth.

The company’s new approach so motivated the employees that they worked more effectively and harder than ever. They came up with more ideas for modifying the production process to be more environmentally friendly.
The company owner didn’t anticipate that going in. But that’s the kind of transformation that can happen when a company and its employees are united for a purpose.

At Equipux, we have a mission: to elevate the well-being of humanity. That’s been our mission, and it drives everything we do.  That's our big equation in our vision.

Finding the mission behind your work — whatever that work might be — is crucial not
only to the company’s success and your own satisfaction, but to the next generation,
as well.


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