21 Apr 2017

Top 12 Reasons Why Your Company Should Invest in Blogging

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Blogs are so popular because they are the optimal choice for your content marketing hub – acting as content chameleons that combine the strength of social media with old-fashioned print-publishing functionality. The reality is that in today’s content-driven world, while you may view yourself as a marketer, you’re really a publisher.  You must provide relevant content for your prospects, customers and the public who – according to Ipsos’ research – spend over 10 hours a day consuming media.  

 To break it all down, here are the top 12 reasons why your company should invest in blogging, or take your current blogging activities to the next level. Oftentimes these reasons are also used as the starting point for convincing your executives to make an investment in blogging:

1.  Blogs are an easy-to-use CMS (aka Content Management System). Blogs require limited training and/or technical skill to use while    providing flexibility to update or modify content quickly. As an added bonus, blogs are inexpensive.

2.  Blogs are part of a company’s owned media. Blog content is owned by your organization and can be integrated into your website. Unlike    other third-party and social media outposts, you don’t need to worry about whether they’ll disappear or go out of business. A blog can serve in lieu  of a website.

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3.  Blogs provide branded context for your content. As part of your firm’s owned media, blogs offer a branded context for your communications  through the use of blog design elements that can be exported with the content. You can extend your brand without paying for third party media.

4.  Blogs integrate your brand into your content marketing. Beyond the blog’s branded context, blogs create a blog personality with a unique  voice. They offer communications transparency and the opportunity to write in a conversational tone that makes your brand feel “human”. Just be  sure to avoid content that is clearly self-promotional, and ensure your blog personality is integrated with your brand personality across other social  media platforms.

5.  Blogs enhance search optimization. Through their keyword-rich content, architecture and cross-linking to other content on the Web, blogs    support search optimization efforts. (Note: This assumes you’re using your own domain not a free third party blogging platform.)

6.  Blogs are a 24/7 communication platform. With increased need for real-time communications, blogs are a great place to quickly publish  favorable content about your brand or respond to evolving issues. Plug-in software can automate your editorial calendar.

7.  Blogs support an array of media formats. For distributing branded content, blogs simplify the uploading and management of text,  photographs, graphics, videos, audio, presentations and PDFs. When creating offline content and events, consider what kind of online content can  go on your blog.

8.  Blogs facilitate content distribution through multiple channels. Blogs can expand your message delivery through email and RSS feeds  at no additional cost. Blog posts can also be automatically collected into email digests.

9.  Blogs supply content for social media interactions. Blog content is currency for social media engagement on social sharing sites such as  Twitter and Facebook. Make sure to include icons and tailored calls-to-action. (Remember, these shares translate to earned media impressions  (aka free.)

10.  Blogs provide a targeted location to direct prospects and customers. With a URL or QR code you can direct prospects, customers   and the public to your blog from other forms of content marketing. This gives you a way to connect the various components across platforms.

11.  Blogs are flexible enough to support diverse initiatives. Blogs can help companies achieve a variety of corporate goals, such as providing  product-related content, answering customer questions, attracting new prospects and hosting an executive platform.

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12.  Blogs provide metrics that you can use to track content marketing to business goals. As with any business strategy, it’s critical to   monitor your progress. There are a variety of metrics to assess your blog’s effectiveness, which we will cover in more detail in this guide.
To sum up, putting a blog at the center of your content marketing strategy is a sound idea. It provides a branded environment that’s optimal for your content and aligned with your corporate goals. Even better is the flexibility that blogs provide and their ability to be integrated into your social media strategy.


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