29 May 2017

How a MultiBillion Dollar Business was Built From Maggots

Who believed MAGGOTS could ever become a multibillion dollar business. Anything can be turned into a cashflow business system when you begin to think outside the box.

Did I say maggots ?
Yeah, maggots!
A company in South Africa known as AgriProtein is a business that is turning one of the worlds most ugly and irritating organism into a multibillion dollar business. This company is doing something that is very extraordinary to the average guy that could totally transform animal feed industry into a new age.
AgriProtein is breeding billions of flies on a farm to lay eggs and produce maggots. I almost heard you yell,  “Waooooooooooooooooo!”
 These maggots are fed on organic waste materials (things like human and animal waste, leftover food from restaurants and blood from local butchers).

When the maggots feed on the waste and mature, they are washed and dried, then, grounded to produce a product that is high in protein and used for feeding Poultries, Fishes and Pigs.
AgriProtein’s maggot product is more than 15% cheaper than other alternative and has been proven to be highly nutritious for livestock.

AgriProtein recently attracted more than $10 million in capital to set up more fly farms in South Africa.  German government, even recently offered AgriProtein  1 million Euros to set up a plant in Germany.
This is wonderful!
But the FACT, is that right where you are now, there is something wasting, maybe its even hazardous to the environ, …..but the TRUTH is that if you can think constructively starting from now, maybe you might be the next guy to save those around you from the same thing they see as hazard, and GUESS what? You be building a multibillion dollar business from that hazard in your environment right now.
Just get up! And think constructively with a purpose in mind.


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