15 May 2017

Niche Marketing-are you doing it?

Many Internet Marketers have made some fortunes out of selling "niche content". 

A "niche" is a focused market segment.  For example, there is the self help niche. 
Almost any topic can be a "niche" as long as there is a targeted market of people
in that niche.

Those Internet Marketers that have made a ton of money selling niche content.
are selling to the "online business niche". In other words, they’re selling to other
internet marketers.  (Although I wouldn't necessarily call that market segment a
"niche" as it is really not focused very well.)  

Those selling niche content to the internet marketers are making life easy for the
new online business owner as the new business owner doesn't even have to
create an info product.  The only problem with that is that at any point in time, at
least a hundred other people buy the same products, follow the same steps, and
eventually, setup the same type of websites.

The end result? Nothing happens. Apart from a few early success stories, sales
happen at a trickle, and people are left wondering why they bought something
that an Internet Marketer thought was better to sell rather than profit from it on his

Don’t get me wrong. I quite enjoy the ease that pre-packaged niche content gives
to starting an online business. The only problem is that if you don’t KNOW how to
pick the right niche, you won’t ever be able to strike a fortune.

Quick Fact: Every single Internet Marketer has at least one niche business that
is doing amazingly well. 

How do they do this?  They pick the right niche!  Examples of some niches that
could be profitable are the poker niche, the wedding invitation niche, the debt
reduction niche, etc.

Aren't you seeking the same sort of success?

There are, as always, several solutions.  One of the most profitable, though, is to
create your own info products, and combine them with other people's products for
maximum profitability. 


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