25 Jul 2017

Watch How The Clickbank Gurus Really Make Fat Check in 2017







 CB Passive Income 4.0 Review + Bonus – Clickbank Now Train People To Make Money On Clickbank



What is the CB Passive Income License Program 4.0?

(Launches 15 Jan 2017, 8AM EST)
cb passive income 4.0
This is the very latest version 4 of the CB Passive Income License Program by Patric Chan, coming to you live online this Sunday Jan 15 2017. This unique program was first launched by Patric Chan 4 years ago back in 2013. So as it’s now Jan 2017 at the time of writing this, you can see that there’s been a new version released almost every year. 
So to better explain what CB Passive Income License Program is for those of you who are new to it (and even for those of you who need a refresher ðŸ™‚ ), allow me to provide you a quick walkthrough right here…
CB Passive Income 3.0

CB Passive Income Version 1

In 2013, Patric Chan launched the original CB Passive Income License Program version 1.0. This is my original review for your reading pleasure. Essentially, version 1.0 was based on providing you a squeeze page that acts as a lead magnet, by giving away this free ebook called Operation Quick Money:
Operation Quick Money
It’s still one of the best ready-made sales funnels that you can profit from today, as it is difficult for any newbie to know how to setup a similar system all from scratch.

CB Passive Income Version 2

In 2014, Patric and his team expanded on the original CB Passive Income License Program with the followup version 2.0, by adding a new Offer Finder software app to the sales funnel. This app makes it easy for you to search for profitable products to promote on the ClickBank marketplace.
Offer Finder App
As you can see, the core of the CB Passive Income system is basically on “licensing” Patric’s ready-made sales funnels, instead of having to create them all on your own. When you send visitors to your ready-made squeeze pages and they signup, they will then start receiving follow-up emails promoting affiliate products with YOUR affiliate links. ðŸ™‚
That’s how you start building a passive income through this system. You do literally get to clone Patric’s business system as he promises and the followup system runs on autopilot, so it is quite literally “working” for you to make money online.

CB Passive Income version 3

Version 3.0 of the CB Passive Income License Program went live in 2015 which featured more additional training in the members area, software upgrades (introducing the Optin AI Detector) and additional squeeze pages.
This version greatly increased the size of the CB Passive Income system by providing you with the following:
CB Passive Income 3.0
5 New Secret Webpages to promote and choose from (on top of just one page previously, to cater to various sub-niches and audiences):
– CPA Cash Machine Offer
– The Email Marketing Swipe File
– The Zero App Development Blueprint
– Build and Grow Your List Fast eBook
– The Penny Leads Report
* Much more Video Training on promoting your passive income system with both Free Traffic and Paid Traffic
* Built on the established core system of versions 1 and 2

CB Passive Income Version 4

cb passive income 4.0
With this latest upgrade of version 4.0, CB Passive Income 4.0 goes a step further by now becoming mobile-enabled.If you were to compare the summary pictures above of version 4.0 vs. version 3.0, you would see that they are almost identical, except for the addition of the Mobile Optimize Lead Capture Page module in version 4.0.
So don’t forget, of course you will still get all of the features and contents of the earlier versions of CB Passive Income, plus the latest mobile-enabled lead capture pages for you to capitalize on this latest growing trend.
The best part of the CB Passive Income system is that it is dynamic and growing, with new features, tools, and training  being added constantly from time to time. Thus, you can be sure that this program will continually evolve with you to keep you up-to-date with the latest marketing trends.

So how well does this system ACTUALLY work?

There are numerous testimonials on the sales page (yes, mine as the 1st one is still right there :D) and there are many other newbies claiming to have made their first sale and more by using this system. So in a nutshell, now that it’s 2017, I would still answer this question with a resounding YES!
Here’s some updated results I’m able to share on the kind of passive income that the CB Passive Income system has been providing me with:

These were passive sales made for me purely by the system itself, and this does not even include my own sales that I’ve been making from my own promotions.
So basically what I would advise you is to use the CB Passive Income system to SUPPLEMENT your existing online income efforts. It’s a great add-on, though please don’t think of it as your only source of income online. You should in fact, be using it as a MODEL to even grow your other online businesses as well.
Growing your online income is all about adding more and more sales funnels that are working well for you, and CB Passive Income is a great ready-made funnel that you can initially use fully both for passive income and as a learning tool. Then once you’re more experienced, scale up your online income by building your own business based on the sales funnels and training that you have picked up from this system.
CB Passive Income 4.0
So in order to help you even further to grow your online business, should you choose to get CB Passive Income 4.0 from this site, I have some special Bonuses lined up for you on this page below.

Launch Bonus #1: Expert in 30 Days Home Course

In this home course, you will discover the secret to becoming an expert in any niche in 30 days. It will be well worth the time in your first 30 days to be positioned as an expert in your niche.
If you are not position as being an expert then you simply aren’t doing the business, getting paid for your expertise, or selling your products like an expert. In fact, if you aren’t an expert, hardly anyone is buying from you, because they are buying from the experts instead, right, and leaving you in the rain.
You see, there are some very specific steps people take when they encounter you online… they look around to find out what others are saying about you, they look to see if you are really an expert…and if they don’t find some very specific things in place, they automatically assume that you are NOT an expert… even if you are.
NOW YOU can BEAT many other expert competitors in your niche to gain complete dominance over your niche and become the #1 preferred expert in your niche.

Launch Bonus #2: Advanced Email Campaign Optimization Course 

In this exclusive bonus, you will discover the secret to optimizing your email campaign to double or triple email conversion rates! Here’s what you’ll discover in this bonus:
* Why optimizing your email campaign is the most effective way you can boost your sales
* How to change your newsletter mailing list into an effective sales machine (hint: more people will buy your stuff – before you change a thing on your sales pages) 
* Know exactly which emails to dump – and which ones to keep – in your email campaign. Do this and you’ll end up with a lean, powerful campaign that drives traffic exactly where you want it.
* Why you need to set up email conversion tracking (plus a method so simple your grandma can do it for you)
* Use this process to exponentially multiply your profits (put it on the backend after creating a lean, mean frontend – then use it again and again with every new launch) 
* Exactly which tools to create killer email campaigns… you can stop worrying about the shiny software and start making money 
What you can use to split test landing pages and skyrocket your conversion rates (and the simple software that makes monitoring email results a snap) 
And many more!

Launch Bonus #3: Social Media Marketing Methods Video Training

Social media is a “must” to marketing to the masses and in recent times it has changed the game when it comes to driving traffic and building business. Investing in people and being social is now the way to free traffic and building your own brand for exponential growth.
Some of the techniques included inside the Social Media Marketing Methods can even be implemented today for zero investment from you! Use them to get traffic to your website or to generating income by promoting products or affiliate programs!

Launch Bonus #4: The Ultimate Passive Income Course

The Ultimate Passive Income Course is a step-by-step guide revealing how to create multiple passive income streams and make money while you sleep…
We all know that passive income can quickly change your life.
Most people spend a majority of their time working…
And time is limited.
Passive income provides you with the FREEDOM in your life to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.
Imagine being able to go on vacation and getting paid…
And the best part is, you’re getting paid while you do the things that you want to do.
Imagine spending time with the people that you care about the most, and getting paid while you’re doing the things that want.
Inside Ultimate Passive Income Course, you;ll discover:
* Why passive income is the best business model and how to get started RIGHT NOW…
* The simple steps to use to build passive income streams to build a consistent income and wealth
* Multiple methods for building passive streams as quickly as possible
* Which passive income stream methods you should start with if you want to get the best results as quickly as possible
* The step-by-step process to have your first passive income stream up and running THIS WEEK
* The foolproof strategy to begin growing your passive income streams on complete autopilot
* The things most people do wrong when it comes to building passive income streams and how to make sure you don’t make these common mistakes yourself
* How to quickly scale up your passive income to six figures and beyond in just a few short months from RIGHT NOW
* The simple tools I personally use to automate things and make it even EASIER to setup passive income streams fast…
Plus, a whole lot more…

Launch Bonus #5: The Ultimate Business-In-A-Box

The Ultimate Business-In-A-Box could potentially be the most profitable collection of unrestricted private label products ever offer on the Internet.
This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to create in-demand information products that are completely yours to profit from without spending a whole lot of time, money or effort.
You pay me NO on-going fees or royalties…and 100% of the profits is all yours to keep. The package includes 14 original, high quality products with full unrestricted Private Label Rights (w/Sales Letters) and a real world value of $13,981.45. The titles included are:
* The Internet Millionare Hacks – What internet millionaires know that you don’t…
* Backend Profit Multipliers – Little known strategies to instantly double, tripple or even quadruple your profits
* Perfectly Profitable Products – How to position your products for maximum profits
* 7 Products In 7 Days – Amazing secrets to warp speed your product creation
* And another 10 titles with full Private Label Rights!

Instruction to claim Launch Bonuses 1-5:

Kindly submit a ticket at www.helpdeskcare.com with the subject: Version 4.0 Bonuses and include your ClickBank order number there. 

13 Additional Bonuses for CB Passive Income 4.0

1)  Amazon Affiliate Combo Pack – 3 new e-books to build your affiliate marketing profits in Amazon and other networks
2) Warrior Marketer Package – Build your Mental and Physical toughness to be successful in online marketing
3)  Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Bundle – our latest course on laying the foundation for you to learn affiliate marketing properly and profitably
4)  Super Affiliate Marketing Mastery – our latest course on taking your affiliate income to the next level and joining the ranks of the super affiliates
5)  Affiliate Marketing Double Pack – a set of 2 guides in affiliate marketing to take you from Beginner to Advanced levels.
6) Website Traffic Double Pack – learn how to get traffic to any website
7) CB Passive Income Case Study – how I used the CB Passive Income system to make commissions right from the start (as shown in the testimonial)
8) Automated List Building – Monthly Squeeze Pages to jumpstart building your own list
9) Sales Funnel Blueprint – learn how to build your own sales funnels, using CB Passive Income as a model
10) Sales Funnel Authority Course – further training on scaling up your sales funnels to grow your income
11) Lead Generation Authority – learn how to generate leads and cash from your sales funnels

By investing in the Inbox PRO (Upsell) version of CB Passive Income 4.0you will also be entitled to these 2 additional Bonuses #12-13:
12) Know WordPress – learn the basics of setting up your own money-making WordPress blogs to grow your online business
13) Faster, Smarter Better – a complete course in Internet Marketing to keep you up to speed
 Read on for more details of the Bonuses below:

Bonus#1: Amazon Affiliate Combo Pack

Here are 3 new eBooks that will help you make much more profits through affiliate marketing in the Amazon network and many others:
 Small Small Small

Bonus#2: The Warrior Marketer Package

Here’s exactly what you will learn in this package:
  • Discover The Best Weight Loss and Fitness Strategies For Online Marketers
  • How to Cope With Failure and Keep Heading Towards Success
  • Simple Techniques To Give You Six Pack Abs
  • Learn To Manage Your Time and Money Super Effectively
  • The Real Secret You Must Know For Making Money Online
  • Learn When You Should You Actually Quit Your Day Job
  • Using The Power of Networking To Boost Your Online Income
  • How to Model Other Marketers So You’re Successful
  • Proper Goal Setting So That You Stay Motivated
  • Dealing with Slip Ups and Loss of Motivation
  • Techniques to De-stress and Maintain Balance In Life
  • And Much, Much More.

Bonus #3: Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Bundle (a $77 Value)






Affiliate Marketing Blueprint is the map that leads you to the exit of this maze…
This course consists of 6 modules teaching you on how to operate your affiliate business.
This Blueprint Is Distilled Into 6 Distinct Modules:
·         Module 1: Introduction To Affiliate Marketing Plans & Strategies
·         Module 2: Choosing The Most Profitable Product To Promote
·         Module 3: Review Writing Technique
·         Module 4: Bonus Technique
·         Module 5: Process To Build Your Empire Of Affiliate Business
·         Module 6: Generating Traffic – Solo Ads

super affiliate
Super Affiliate Marketing Mastery is designed for affiliates who want to take their affiliate income to the next level, and create a long-term income they can rely on.
A complete eBook package in 5 modules, with the following bonus items: 
– Worksheet
– Checklist
– Process Map
– Extra Bonus: Quick Cash Confidential

Bonus #5: Affiliate Marketing Double Pack – Beginner and Advanced

This is our newly released, complete course that gives you a broad overview of affiliate marketing, taking you from Beginner to Advanced levels.

Bonus #6: Website Traffic Double Pack – Beginner and Intermediate

With any product all done and setup, you are going to need TRAFFIC. No traffic = No sales.
Learn how to market any product and website to gain all the traffic that you need here:


Bonus #7: CB Passive Income Special

I will also send you my limited case study on how I collected 100 leads and made $200 in Clickbank sales as a newbie using the CB Passive Income system by Patric Chan. Yes, this is not a joke, you can see my Clickbank screenshot as the 1st testimonial

Bonus #8: Automated List Profits Membership (a $37/Month Value)

Automated List Profits
(Click Here to see the actual product,
– You will receive the following:
* 2 complete (unique and exclusive) PLR List building packages each month
* Upon joining, you will receive all 108 list building packages released to date, plus 2 new packages each month
* Each pack contains:
               – Professionally designed squeeze page (with bullet copy and graphics)
               – 10-30 page free report on hot marketing topics
               – 7-part Autoresponder follow-up series
               – Keyword Research lists to help you promote your list package
               – Recommended affiliate programs to monetize your list
These squeeze pages are designed to supplement your income from using the CB Passive Income 4.0 system.

Bonus #9: Sales Funnel Blueprint Bundle ($77 Value)

 SFB_Bundle 2_SmallIn this complete package on sales funnels, you will learn the A-Z of setting up your sales funnels correctly to multiply your profits passively from the frontend to the backend. Here’s some of the main topics you will learn:
  • How to Create an Irresistible Front-End Offer
  • How to Create a High Converting Upsell
  • How to Create a Down-Sell and Save 10% More Sales
  • How To Create A 2nd And 3rd Upsell
  • How To Create A Big-Ticket Backend
  • How To Write Buyer Follow-Up Emails
  • Setting Up Your Sales Funnels




BONUS #10: Sales Funnel Authority

Sales funnels form the core backbone of all businesses, both online and offline. With a strong sales funnel, you can profit right from the onset and grow and scale your business very profitably. Learn how you can convert your visitors and leads into sales with Sales Funnel Authority:


What you’ll discover in this course:
  • Why sales funnels are THE most effective tool for sales
  • All the tools and resources you need to construct the ultimate sales funnel
  • How to target your audience and bring the right people to the first stage of your funnel
  • How to use persuasive writing to convince people to buy anything

  • How to engage your audience and build trust and real following
  • How to maximize conversion rates
  • How to make people buy from you more than once
  • How to utilize an understanding of psychology to skyrocket your sales

  • What the different options are for your sales funnels
  • How to stand out and be different
  • …and much, much more!

BONUS #11: Lead Generation Authority


Now that you have built those sales funnels, you will need to know how to generate leads and channel them through those funnels. With Lead Generation Authority, you’ll discover the following in this package:
  • Understanding all the different types of leads and how they vary. It all starts with understanding the types of leads.
  • How to build an email list so you can follow-up on your subscribers.
  • How to increase trust and authority in your industry so your leads will buy your product or service.
  • How to use lead management software such as SalesForce and HubSpot.
  • How to make sales from leads – turn leads into customers!
  • How to write an effective squeeze page or landing page so you can start building your lead generation machine.
  • How to make leads excited for a product using copywriting techniques
  • How to build leads in person
  • How to create a large following on social media by selling your ‘dream’
  • Why having a brand and a mission statement is so important
  • …and much, much more!
By investing in the Inbox PRO (Upsell) version of CB Passive Income 4.0you will also be entitled to these 2 additional Bonuses #12-13:

Bonus #12: Lifetime Membership to Know WordPress Tutorialsknow wordpress

With over 50 videos in 6 modules, the Know WordPress course covers everything you will need to know to take you from WordPress newbie to expert.

Bonus #13: Lifetime Membership to Faster, Smarter, Better

Faster, Smarter, Better – In this comprehensive video training course of 13 modules, hence the product name, you will learn how to be Faster, Smarter, and Better than your competition.

IMPORTANT: How to Claim Your BONUS!

This bonus is available for a very limited time only, and this page may be removed anytime without notice. OrderCB Passive Income 4.0 from the button or link below to claim this BONUS!
CB Passive Income 4.0
Once you click the order button you will see the ClickBank order page, be sure the affiliate ID is ‘chrislee’ displayed at the bottom of that page:
[affiliate = chrislee]
If you want to be SURE that we get credited for your purchase, so that you can be SURE to get your BONUS, then I suggest you empty your browser cache (instructions at the bottom of the page), close all your web browser windows, then click on the link to our bonus page again, then click on the CB Passive Income 4.0 banner above, or click here.
Important! All bonus claims will be manually verified and you will not be sent your bonus if you did not follow these instructions. Please allow up to 48 hours for your bonuses to be delivered.

>>Click here to access the CB Passive Income 4.0 Program and your BONUSES<<



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