10 Aug 2017


What If I Get Rejected? is one question newbies always ask when coming into CPA Marketing. But the truth is that Rejection from CPA Marketing Networks is not personal.

After you've applied a reputable CPA Network, most times you will have to wait for a phone interview. I tell, the easiest way to get in is to pick your phone or skype and call your affiliate manager right away. That will show him or her you are serious to work for their your success and theirs.  But sometimes after calling you might still be denied approval.

But in a situation where you decide not to make the initial call you can just send an email to your manager the contact usually comes with your activation email.

Just like:

I am John. Just sign up to work with you in xxxx network. I am a very hard working entrepreneur and has acquired  some good training on affiliate marketing. Currently I work with xxxx network and yyyy networ.  I would love to work with you having heard lots of good news about your network on warriorforum.com.  I look forward to my approval so I start right away.

Just sit back and wait for their making sure your phone is always within your reach as you dont expect them to call twice.

Even if you don't get a call the same day you submit your application, don't assume you've been rejected. It can take up to three days (or more) for an affiliate manager of the CPA network to contact you by phone, especially if you submitted your application over a weekend or during a holiday. They typically do try to make contact within the first 24 hours, but this is not always possible. If you haven’t heard anything after three days it's possible your application has been rejected, so you need to be proactive to see what types of problems might have been spotted on your application and work to overcome those objections.
First, you will need to know what affiliate manager has been assigned to you; look for their name in the email notice you receive when you first apply online. Once you know whom to contact, you can email them based on the email addresses on your CPA network website or use AOL messenger if you have that available. There is an online list that has most affiliate administrators ‘names on it at: http://affaimlist.com . It's a great list to keep nearby as you're awaiting approval because it also shows you when they are online. They are interested in getting people who can provide value to their advertisers on board, so don't hesitate to make contact and ask the status of your application.
If they say it is denied, find out why. In many cases, they may accept additional proof or documentation to reverse their decision and grant you approval to join them. Even if you get turned down, use it as a learning experience. There are literally hundreds of CPA networks out there, and one of them is bound to say “yes.” Just put your best foot forward and be available to answer any questions they might have about your application.


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