30 May 2017


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Social media is the new tren to share knowledge; however, putting up content alone in your blog or social media platform will not increase traffic, and will not gain its popularity in the blogging arena. Improving your online status needs effort and strategy. Before, when knowledge is shared through newspapers, people don't have the chance to share their knowledge and feedback, or add up information in your content. These days, when users of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have to say are viral, creating a compelling and interesting content matters.

Make Your Content Social-Friendly?

As said earlier, in order to gain a popularity online , you need to make effort in making your content social-friendly. In this way, your articles will be chosen by search engines and will be shared by users across the globe among their friends, eventually making you popular.

Following are the guidelines in order to optimize your content for the social media space.

#1 Know Your Audience. Target your market by determining their age, sex, interest, and preference. It's better to make everyone happy and satisfied about what you have to offer. If not, you're on your way to wasting all your effort in your social marketing campaign. Join groups on Facebook that are related to your industry. Learn more about your target readers/followers.

#2 Compel Readers. Nothing can beat a content that is useful, interesting and engaging. An informative content spreads across the globe through social media. When people click on the "Like" button and their interested friends click on the same link, you will have instant visitors to your site which will hopefully, in turn, become your "Friends," too.

#3 Be an Expert. People will come back to you if you share knowledge like a guru. Most users online are looking for a valuable content that will answer their curiosity or question. If you keep in mind that helping your readers is the best way to keep them coming back, you will notice the big change in your online visibility. Stand to be a valuable source of information so you always remain as the top choice of people whenever they need to know something.

#4 Be Up to Date. Update your blog with the latest development in the niche you have chosen. Load it up with interesting contents that users will follow. When you continually feed people with compelling contents, they will keep coming back for more.

#5 Spread the Good News. Submit your content to other sites that will help you increase your online visibility especially if you have videos, podcasts, and E-books. In case of E-books, you can submit your compiled knowledge in sites like E-book Freeway and Project Gutenberg.

#6 Give Gifts.Your readers are your marketing people and they would unconsciously promote your products or services, eventually making your site very popular, if you reward them. You will gain a lot of "Friends" in Facebook or "Followers" in Twitter. Rewarding your users will make them feel appreciated.

#7 Listen to Them. Social media is not business-oriented in the first place, but a venue to converse and connect to people. Reply on feedback from users whether it's negative or positive. Listen closely to what they have to say and be sure to reply. Knowledge expert Seth Godin says that successful people are those who are successful in building up their brand in their community by taking action to what their tribe needs and works with them together.

These are effective ways on how to improve your online presence through optimizing your content to become more social-friendly. The new trend in marketing is in social media, so nothing can beat a wise, compelling and social-friendly content. Market your products or services effectively without much effort by optimizing your content for social media.


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